BacH Flower Remedies Explained

There is a Bach flower remedy, or a combination of remedies, for every emotion that is out of balance. The more consistently you use the remedies the greater the benefit will be. You can mix a combination of 7 remedies together to create your own emotional healing bottle. If you need some advice or support, reach out to Dawn.

In the videos below I explain what each Bach Flower Remedy is for and have referenced the page numbers in my book Free to be Me where you can find more information about them. You can also order Free To Be Me from Amazon and Balboa in paperback or eBook format.

1. Agrimony

for not being able to talk about your feelings, or confront somebody.

— Page 497


2. Aspen

for fear of the unknown and anxiousness which comes for no apparent reason.

— Page 440


3. Beech

for intolerance and verbally lashing out.

— Page 482


4. Centaury

for lack of boundaries, and not feeling able to say no.

— Page 500


5. Cerato

for times when you do not trust in yourself, or doubt your own intuition.

— Page 509


6. Cherry Plum

for when you feel like your head will explode with frustration and pent-up emotions. Creates volatile thoughts and behaviour.

— Page 442


7. Chestnut bud

for breaking old patterns, or keep making the same mistakes.

— Page 454


8. Chicory

for breaking old patterns, or keep making the same mistakes.

— Page 485


9. Clematis

for daydreaming and feeling ungrounded.

— Page 457


10. Crab Apple

for not liking yourself, physically, or mentally.

— Page 418


11. Elm

for temporary feelings of being overwhelmed.

— Page 421


12. Gentian

for disappointment and setbacks.

— Page 512


13. Gorse

for feelings of hopelessness.

— Page 515


13. Gorse

for feelings of hopelessness.

— Page 515


14. Heather

for feeling self-absorbed and lonely.

— Page 473


15. Holly

for feeling anger, jealousy or rage.

— Page 503


16. Honeysuckle

for feeling stuck in the past

— Page 460


17. Hornbeam

for procrastinating and putting off things.

— Page 518


18. Impatiens

for irritability and impatience.

— Page 476


19. Larch

for lack of confidence and fear of failure.

— Page 424


20. Mimulus

for known fears. Gentle remedy for anxiety and stress caused by things you are afraid of.

— Page 445


21. Mustard

for dark gloomy moods and for days when you are feeling frustrated and depressed, but you cannot identify why.

— Page 463


22. Oak

for extreme tiredness and exhaustion.

— Page 426


23. Olive

for mental exhaustion when your mind is over-busy.

— Page 466


24. Pine

for feeling guilty and blaming yourself for things that have happened.

— Page 428


25. Red Chestnut

for over-concern for others.

— Page 448


26. Rock Rose

for extreme fears, terror, and panic.

— Page 451


27. Rock Water

for self-denial and being too hard on yourself.

— Page 488


28. Scleranthus

for feeling indecisive and mood swings.

— Page 521


29. Star of Bethlehem

for shocks and traumas.

— Page 431


30. Sweet Chestnut

for extreme emotional anguish and cannot see a way forward.

— Page 434


31. Vervain

for over-doing things and cannot switch off.

— Page 491


32. Vine

for being bossy, dominant, ruthless, inflexible.

— Page 494


33. Walnut

for feeling over-sensitive to outside influences.

— Page 506

34. Water Violet

for feeling isolated, and too proud to ask for help.

— Page 479


35. White Chestnut

for persistent worrying thoughts.

— Page 469


36. Wild Oat

for feelings of uncertainty about what to do with your life.

— Page 523

37. Wild Rose

for apathy and lack of motivation. Resignation to whatever shall happen.

— Page 471

38. Willow

for feelings of deep resentment. Find it hard to forgive.

— Page 437

To get a greater understanding of how the Bach flower remedies can support you and your loved ones, contact Dawn for your initial free 15-minute consultation, or text +447936 546791 and leave your name, and how I can help you.