Good morning to you all.
Our next session of Bach flower remedies in Sue's beautiful sanctuary is Wednesday 12th and 26th Feb 6.30 to 8pm.
And this Sunday 9th February we have the 2nd session of Our Soul Circle at 2pm.👬💫✨
This is an open circle for anyone who is interested in developing their intuition and connecting with their purpose.
This week we will be working with pendulums for clarity and insights.
Happy days.
Sending blessings for you all.
💫Would you like to?
👬meet some new friends
😵💫 have some relaxation time
🤔get some guidance and clarity
🙄 have more motivation
🌈Come along to see how we can help you.
💥Looking forward to seeing you at one of our events.
💬For more information text Dawn on 07936 546791
💝💛💝Some sound bath and wellbeing dates for you
🪷Thursday 23 January 10 to 12 noon.
👉 The Olive Centre, Clapham Road South, Lowestoft, NR32 1QS.
🩵Sunday 26 January 10 to 1pm.
👉 East Point Pavilion, Royal Plain, Lowestoft. NR33 0AP
💗Sunday 26th January 2 to 4pm £10.
Calling in your guides and connecting to your Higher Self for inner wisdom and intuitive guidance.
(This will then be on alternate Sundays)
👉Beach Hippie crystal shop, 147 London Road South, Lowestoft, NR33 0DP
🌾Wednesday 12th February & 26th February
6.30 to 8.30 pm £10
🌿 BACH FLOWER REMEDIES for motivation and purpose.
👉Beach Hippie crystal shop.
🪇SOUND BATH and Holistic tips for wellbeing during Menopause
⚖Thursday 27th February 7 to 8.30pm.
Gorleston Pavilion Bar. NR31 6PP.
🪷Friday 28th February. 10 to 3pm.
🎶 SOUND BATHS AND MEDITATIONS for Holistic Wellbeing.
👉The Olive Centre, Lowestoft
👭Saturday 8th March
10 to 3pm.
🫂Proud to be working alongside all these wonderful organisations.
If will be offering sound baths and meditations at the
👉International Women's Day,
Gorleston Pavilion Theatre, NR31 6PP
Who finds it hard to function effectively in the winter months?
You are not alone. For so many of my clients, and for myself, the winter months can bring in a feeling of lethargy and lack of motivation. But there is a natural way you can help yourself.
The darker nights and lack of warmth can seriously impact on your feelings of well-being. It can affect the way you feel to such an extent, you feel stressed and anxious, and may feel like retreating into yourself.
Worse still, you become irritated with yourself and the way you feel.
All of this can take you further and further away from your feelings of joy and contentment. For some, it can even bring in a sense of feeling depressed. These feelings can seem hard to rise above when the spring time starts to come in, and you want to get back into the swing of things.
Help is at hand
I found a gentle solution to these winter blues within the gentle Bach flower remedies. They are natural, and can be used alongside your medication if necessary, and they are not addictive. They can be taken for the times when you do not feel in control of your emotions and the way your body is feeling. They can be used by anyone at any age.
There are 38 remedy essences, and each one can help with a different state of mind and emotion. You may need more than one remedy at a time.
The remedies that are most effective for the feelings that can bring you down through the winter months are :
Mustard, for the dark gloomy cloud that comes in from feelings of frustration.
Wild Rose, for the feelings of lethargy and lack of motivation.
Walnut, for feeling oversensitive, and not being able to adapt to the changes.
Scleranthus, for the mood and energy swings.
Hornbeam, for when you keep putting off doing things that are necessary.
Cherry Plum, for the extreme mood swings, and not feeling in control.
Clematis, for lack of interest in the present, and wanting to escape from your situation.
Impatiens, for feeling impatient with yourself, and with the feelings you are experiencing.
Rock Water, for being too hard on yourself, and feeling like you are not good enough.
If you can relate to any of these feelings, and would like to know more about how the Bach flower remedies could support you, check out the Bach flower remedy page on my website to find a natural solution to the way you are feeling today.
Coming Soon
Keep an eye out for the Bach flower remedy sessions coming up soon at Beach Hippie crystal shop in London Road South, Lowestoft.
Great news FOR GT. YARMOUTH and lowestoft
Following the Success of our recent Sound Baths At The Vicarage Hub and by the Waterways, we are pleased to announce that we are starting a new venture in Gt. Yarmouth and Lowestoft.
We have been searching for a new venue, and one that is downstairs.
We have been fortunate to find a find a beautiful new and bright venue at The Dance Base at 40 South Quay in Gt. Yarmouth. The Dance Base has free parking outside, and is the perfect set up for our new adventure.
Other venues opening up for you
I will also be offering sound baths, drumming circles and one-to-one sessions in Beach Hippie crystal shop in Lowestoft.
We will also be exploring opening up a new meditation, spiritual development and healing circle.
We will be trying out different days and times to find the most suitable times for you.
Events, Sound Baths and Drumming Circles Tel. 07936 546791
MONDAY EVENINGS 2025. 7 to 9pm Sound bath and meditation at Sue’s Beach Hippie £10
SUNDAY 19th January 2025 2 to 4 pm. Sound Bath at Dance Base, 40 South Quay, Gt Yarmouth Nr30 2RL. (The Dance Base is on the corner of Nottingham Way) £10
Please bring along warm blankets, cushions and a bottle of water to drink.
Coming Soon At Sue’s Beach Hippie crystal shop.
7 to 9pm £15, including your bottle of remedies to take away.
SUNDAY 19th January
2 to 4pm Connecting to your higher Self.
A gentle introduction to Enhancing your Intuition and finding your real potential and purpose in 2025.
At The Beach Hippie crystal shop, (behind the bus stop, and next to the Fabric shop) 149 London Road South, Lowestoft. NR33 0DP
Would you like to join us?
If you are interested in any of the above sessions, text me on 07936 546791 to register your interest, and I will keep you updated.
Prefer a more intimate session for you and your friends?
If you would like a more personal sound bath, drumming circle or meditation groups, let me know and we can arrange a gathering for you and your friends.
Sound baths are not recommended for those who are in the first 3 months of pregnancy, have metal implants, epilepsy, or extreme mental health issues.
If you have tinnitus or hearing problems, speak to Dawn before attending the session, and if you choose to join us, sit further away from the Gong and energy tubes.
Do you sometimes feel like you have lost yourself?
Do you sometimes get the feeling that you are not in control of your life, you you have become detached from who you should be?
Why join a Sound Bath?
Sometimes, we do not realise just how stressed we are. Too much stress is responsible for so much disease and illness. When we are stressed, we are often in the fight or flight mode, so our body puts all its energy into a response or reaction.
Consequently, the immune system is compromised, and we are more likely to feel unwell or suffer illness.
In our current world we are bombarded with information which induces the flight or fight response. Our parasympathetic nervous system cannot operate or restore calm and relaxation, so we keep pushing through the stress, and the body becomes more stressed and often unwell. When we don’t listen to our body, it will find a way to slow us down, and this is often through unwellness or through injury.
bringing some calm into your life
A sound bath can bring back some calm by slowing the brainwaves to an alpha or theta state, thus activating our parasympathetic nervous system and restoring our immune system.
The aim of the sound baths is help you relax, and from this calmer place you can get more clarity and feel more energised.
For book your sessions, text Dawn on 07936 546791, and I will send you the bank details.
Events and opportunities for You at Dawn’s Nirvana and in gorleston and lowestoft.
Watch this space
We have fortunately been given some funding from the National Lottery Community Funding.
We are very grateful to be able to offer workshops and events in our healing space in The Vicarage Hub in Gt. Yarmouth.
Please text Dawn if you would like to join us on 07936 546791.
Opportunities coming up for you, to connect with new friends, learn something new and have some fun.
meditation AND ART FOR FUN and wellbeing. Look out for workshops coming up in 2025
Opportunities coming up for you, to connect with new friends, learn something new and have some fun.
Would you like to get back in touch with your creative side?
Meditation to relax and clear your mind
An opportunity to relax with a gentle intuitive meditation, and then create a piece of creative art.
When you are feeling stressed or uptight it can be difficult to concentrate or focus on what needs to be done.
We are bringing together meditation to help you relax your mind and lift-up your spirits, and art to help you chill out and explore your more create self.
Art to express your soul
Every picture will tell a story. Your painting will speak from your soul.
Helping you to bridge the gap between stress and a calmer way of being.
Come along to meet like-minded souls to find out more about yourself, and how art can open-up new perspectives in your life.
Everything you need will be provided. No previous experience needed. Wear clothes to get messy in.
Text Dawn on 07936546791 to book your place.
Reiki share Coming soon
Feeling stressed, or just want to relax more?
Or do you feel disconnected from your real self
Reiki is a gentle way to ease stress out of your body and bring you more peace of mind.
Through Reiki energy we realign your chakras and raise up the vibrations in your aura.
When you are aligned with your true self you have more clarity, more energy, a better sense of purpose and more joy.
No previous experience needed.
Come along to meet like-minded friends and strengthen your connection to who you are meant to be.
Drumming circle COMING SOON
Drumming is a great way to unwind and uplift your spirits. No experience needed. You can bring your own drum if your wish.
Dance for life COMING SOON
Befriend your body and connect with your soul.
Build confidence and enjoyment of life through self-expression in dance.
Across our workshops, we explore the chakras, light and shadow, archetypes and ancestral lineage.
There are no right and wrong moves. Each participant is encouraged to celebrate their own journey.
Please share this with someone you think may be looking for a place to connect with new friends, or find a new sense of joy and purpose.
We are creating a safe and gentle space for you to explore choices and stepping stones for you, to improve your wellbeing and discover a new sense of purpose.
Men’s Friendship group
Do you know a man who would be interested in joining a Men’s Friendship group? Watch this space.
Please text me on 07936 546791 to express your interest, or to book your place for any of the workshops or groups.
Look forward to seeing you soon
Dawn 😊
Events, Friendship groups and opportunities for you on your journey
Tap into your creativity and meet new friends. When you meet up with like-minded friends you can overcome challenges, free yourself from limiting beliefs, and create a whole new perspective on your life.
Do Winter blues get you down?
Check out the Bach flower remedies, Mustard, Scleranthus and Walnut to lift those gloomy moods.
Or go to my Bach flower remedy page for more ideas on combating the winter blues.
Would you like to be part of our wellbeing team?
If you love helping and inspiring others, and would like to join our Holistic Wellness & Mind Body Spirit Team please contact me.
We are looking for a variety of therapists, mediums, charities, creative artists, organisations and sound therapists to create Wellbeing Days and workshops in Gt.Yarmouth, Gorleston and Lowestoft.
If this sounds like you and you are looking for a new venture, give me a call on 07936 546791
What’s on at the Vicarage Hub in Gt. Yarmouth

Wellbeing events for you IN February and March 2023
Wellbeing Fayres and Events

Replenish Your Energies

MY Message for you. You Too Can BE FREE

Is procrastination stopping you moving Forward?

Deja Vu, or Are You Imagining This?
Welcome to my new blog ‘Under One Umbrella’
Breaking patterns with the Bach flower remedies
Welcome to my series Breaking Patterns. We are going to take you through a series of chats and experiences to help you understand how the Bach flower remedies have helped me to heal, grow and develop as a person.
In the initial few videos I am sharing how my journey unfolded, and then some friends are sharing their healing journey, to help you understand how they have overcome their stressful situations.
There are some informative videos on my Bach flower remedy page (see link) to help you understand how the individual Bach flower remedies can support you. I have numbered these nos. 1 to 38, and included pages references for my self-help book Free to be Me, to enable you to take the next step on your healing journey.
If you are feeling stressed, anxious or out of balance, and are looking for some gentle self-help techniques, flick through to the series of self-help videos. Trust in your intuition, and you will find the right support for you each day.
Each of the self-help videos contains gentle and natural techniques you can bring into your daily life to help you overcome the challenges you are facing. Keep coming back to this page as I will adding videos as we create them.
If you are going through any life challenges at the moment, please contact me so I can create a self-help video to support you. You could feature in the video or not, whichever feels comfortable for you. Your situation could help others to work through their own challenges.
Free to be Me link
My introduction to the Bach flower remedies, and why I choose to work with them.
BREAKING PATTERNS Episode 1. Why I choose to work with the Bach flower remedies.
BREAKING PATTERNS. Episode 2. Breaking family patterns with Chloe.
BREAKING PATTERNS Episode 3. Listen to your intuition and it will guide you through, with Denise Wise.
BREAKING PATTERNS Episode 5. My healing journey with Chris Cooper.
BREAKING PATTERNS Episode 6. Marc Jeffrey's podcast. Please don't wait to get perfect. Start your new journey exactly where you are today. Every experience you go through becomes a valuable experience and blessing on your journey.
The Bach flower remedies helped me to turn my life around, from a life filled with emotional torment, anxiety, stress, irritable bowels, and chronic panic attacks, to a life where I felt more empowered and was able to make new choices every day.
Every day I am reminded of why I started working with the wonderful Bach flower remedies. Every time I support somebody through anxiety, stress, panic attacks, loss, or grief, I am reminded of how far I have come.
There is no one reason why I am passionate about working with the Bach flower remedies, there are thousands of reasons. I see my reason, my purpose in the eyes of every person when they come to me for help and support.
Each and every person is looking for a way out of their dilemmas. They are hoping to find a way to find renewed hope and faith in themselves, and I am truly grateful that I can share some natural ways that they can help themselves.
I am so very grateful for the journey I have taken, for all the stress, and the ups and downs, and all the wonderful people I have met on my journey. I know that if we can turn our lives around, so can you. You can do it.
Or, if you are a parent who is concerned about your child's emotional well-being, Free to be Me can bring you a greater understanding of what your child is feeling and experiencing, and an insight into ways you can help and support them.
Follow this link to order your copy of Free to be Me, for a gentle healing approach to helping those you care about.