Bach Flower Remedies
How can the Bach flower remedies help you?
The Bach Flower Remedies are a natural healing remedy for treating emotions and pain that cause disharmony.
If you are struggling with your emotions, or with your life the Bach Flower Remedies can help you. They will bring you renewed hope, clarity, insight, and the inner strength and confidence to work through your challenges. When you can heal your state of mind, you get a feeling of well-being, and can often start to feel the benefits physically too. Together we can work through your challenges.
Dr. Bach said himself “When there is a void between your thinking and who you should be, is where disharmony and dis-ease sets in”. Start to change that balance today.
To find out more about each of the Bach Flower Remedies and how they can help you, I have made a series of video guides to give you more information. Please visit the link below to find out more.
BACH FLOWER REMEDy Sessions & Workshops
If you’re interested in the Bach Flower Remedies, I offer an initial 15-minute free consultation for you to explore how they can help you.
Before you pick up the phone, take 10 minutes to write down how you are feeling today. Please send your name and reason for needing emotional support.
Text me on +44(0)7936 546791 to book your initial free 15-minute consultation.
Bach Flower Remedy 1-2-1 session
— 1 hour (£45, incl. your bottle of remedies)
The Bach Flower Remedies help rebalance your emotions. They help release you from negative patterns of thinking, and move you into more uplifting and supportive patterns. The Remedies will bring your thinking and emotions in line with who you should be, and through this transition you will get a greater insight into who you are meant to be, and why things have become out of balance.
The Bach flower remedies will help you with any stress, anxiety or emotional disharmony you may be experiencing.
There are 38 flower remedy essences, and each remedy, or a combination of remedies will help you get your emotions back into perspective, and enable you to deal with the challenges you are going through.
The remedies are natural, non-addictive and can be used by anyone at any age.
In each consultation, I will help you identify how you are feeling, advice you on which remedies will help you, and then make your own personal combination of remedies to take away.
Introduction to Bach Flower Remedies Workshop
A 6-week course of 4 hours per session. This will be a gentle introduction to the Bach flower remedies, their history, how Dr. Bach discovered them, and how their gentle healing powers can support you throughout your life.
You will have the opportunity to use the remedies throughout the course.
Introduction to the Bach Flower Remedies Workshop includes:
A brief history of the remedies.
How the remedies can help you to understand your emotions.
Explore what is holding you back.
Great a deeper understanding of your emotions.
Looking at the power your words hold over you.
Exploring affirmations can support you.
Discover how kinesiology and dowsing can help you to recognise which remedies would support you at this moment in time.
Learn how to create your own personal remedy.
How to share the remedies with your friends and family.
The workshop will offer you the opportunity to have a greater understanding of yourself, and how the remedies can help and support you when making any life changes.
At the moment all workshops are held on-line via Zoom. I will keep you updated when we can meet up for workshops.
Contact me to book your session or workshop today
The Bach Flower Remedies will complement most medication and the advice given by your doctor. The Remedies are not a replacement for medication or your doctor’s advice. Your doctor should be consulted before changing any medication.