Is procrastination stopping you moving Forward?
I really do know how you feel.
I am a great procrastinator. You would not believe how long it took me to get around to creating my first blog. Or maybe, if you too are a procrastinator, you would know exactly how long it seemed to take to get started.
It seems like forever, and the trouble is, when you are stuck in that feeling of inertia, anything and everything can seem more important. You will find countless things to do, and often things which will take a lot more effort, time and energy, simply because you are avoiding doing what you know is necessary.
If this sounds like you, please be gentle on yourself, and know there is a way to overcome your cycle of procrastination.
What does procrastination feel like?
Makes you feel tired and weary.
Can zap your belief in your ability to accomplish what you need to do.
Any excuse, will be a good excuse for avoidance.
You can feel stuck to a point of real lethargy.
Your mind is constantly flicking back to the task you are avoiding.
Procrastination can take you into a state of emotional disharmony.
You may find yourself being too hard on yourself, or even disappointed, or critical.
It can take away the joy you should be experiencing in your other daily activities.
You keep getting a feeling of ‘I really should be doing that’.
You know the task is not going to go away, and cannot be avoided!!
Anything else you do does not calm this niggling thought in your head.
The more you procrastinate, the deeper this feeling gets, and can even lead to feelings of anxiety, stress and despondency.
You may start to doubt yourself, and your abilities.
You may even berate yourself, which then causes even more emotional torment and feelings of weariness.
The longer you sit in a place of procrastination, the worse you start to feel on so many levels.
Is it always big things I am avoiding which causes the problem?
No. It can be anything. It can be something as simple as doing the washing up, sorting out your paperwork, making a phone call, or speaking up for yourself. It does not matter how big or how small the task is; if you are putting it off, it can create feelings of weariness and disharmony within you.
Whenever you hear yourself saying, ‘I should be doing…….’
Acknowledge what you are saying.
Recognise how this makes you feel.
Acknowledge what you are avoiding.
Write down what the task is.
Do you have an idea why you are avoiding this?
If you have no idea, write that down too. You are eliminating thoughts from your mind.
Write that down too.
Choose to be gentle on yourself.
Make a decision to start to take action.
Take action, and take one gentle step, followed by another step.
The first step is the best step you will take. Always believe you can do it.
But which step?
The first step is the best step you will take. Always believe you can do it.
Make a decision that you can do this.
Take deep gentle breaths to relax your mind and bring it into a calmer, and more productive state of being.
Set the intention that you are doing this task now.
Start to repeat an affirmation to yourself.
Keep it simple, like, ‘I am feeling calmer today. I am taking steps forward now. I can do this’.
Keep these gentle thoughts flowing as you slowly breathe in, and out.
Your thoughts may change as you relax. Allow this to happen.
Your mind is starting to have more uplifting supportive thoughts to help you build up your momentum.
Go with the flow.
You could imagine you are feeling very happy with yourself because you have accomplished what you set out to do.
The Bach Flower Remedy Hornbeam helps with feelings of inertia and procrastination.
Add 4 drops of the Remedy Hornbeam to a glass of water.
Drink the water.
Add 4 more drops to another glass of water.
Gently start to sip the water as you start to do the task you have been avoiding.
Praise and encourage yourself as you go.
Keep replenishing the water with the Hornbeam until you have completed what you set out to do.
Be gentle on yourself and take small breaks if necessary if this is a big task.
Acknowledge how well you have done, and praise yourself for what you have accomplished.
Often, once you have started to get the momentum, it is so much easier to tackle the next task, and then the next one.
How will Hornbeam support you
Hornbeam helps you to overcome inertia and procrastination.
It helps to lift the heavy feelings of weariness.
It brings you renewed motivation to accomplish what you need to do.
What causes you to procrastinate?
Sometimes you may now know what is causing you to procrastinate. It may be a simple avoidance because you do not fancy doing the necessary thing, or you find it boring, or there could be a deeper reason behind your resistance and feelings of inertia.
Take some time to work with your breathing exercise, write down what you need to do, and then start to visualise how you would feel when you have accomplished the necessary task.
Quite often taking your mind into a visualisation space, where you have moved beyond the procrastination state can bring you insight into why you have been putting this thing off. Your mind will be more open and receptive to receive the necessary information, and then you can start to work with whatever is causing your disharmony. It is amazing what your mind will show you when you have a calmer state of mind.
When your mind is calmer your brain produces less stress chemicals, and allows your brain to produce the more supportive neurochemical endorphin, which brings you renewed confidence and the courage to accomplish what you need to do.
When you are gentler on yourself, and have more compassion for you, and your feelings or actions, your brain produces oxytocin which helps you to feel more loving and compassionate towards yourself. When you imagine doing something which brings you success your brain produces dopamine which brings a feeling of being successful.
The more of these gentle healing chemicals you produce the more uplifted and able to accomplish what you need to do.
Use an affirmation throughout your day which says, ‘I have accomplished what I set out to do, anything is possible. I can do this’.
Often fear is an underlying cause of procrastination
If you recognise there is an underlying fear, or other emotion holding you back, go to the Bach Flower Remedy page on my website, and see if you can recognise what you are feeling today.
The Remedies are available to buy individually at many chemists, health stores or on-line, but if you would prefer a greater insight into how you are feeling please contact me, and I can make you your own personal mix of remedies to help kick start you.
Are there other Remedies which can help?
Yes there are. Go to the Bach Flower Remedy chart in my website, and see if you can recognise what is holding you back. Read up on Aspen, Elm, Mimulus, Gentian, Gorse and Wild Rose. You can use up to 7 Bach Flower Remedies together.
What else can I do to help myself?
You can do a simple exercise to help you calm your mind, to kick-start your motivation.
Take a few minutes to shut the world out.
Cover your eyes with your hands, and breathe gently and slowly into your stomach.
Continue slowly breathing until your mind goes to a quieter space.
Do not try to rush this. Give your mind a chance to feel the calm.
Repeat a positive affirmation to yourself several times as you continue to breathe slowly into your stomach.
Visualise yourself as achieving your goal. See it, feel it, and hear what is happening in this place of achievement.
Visualise a colour surrounding this vision, and keep repeating this exercise throughout the day whenever you feel heightened emotions.
This is also a great exercise for calming anxiety and stress. As you take slow deep breaths, feel the stress flowing out with your breath.
When you take the time to shut out the world, you will naturally go to a more natural place of inner calm and peace.
This is a very gentle, and effective way to calm down your thoughts and shut out the world, and from this quieter space you can naturally start to get more clarity and a sense of inner joy.
Taking time out for you needs to become your priority to find your inner peace.